Cleveland US Equal Employment Opportunty

US Equal Employment Opportunty is listed under the Equal Employment Opportunity Office, Government locations category which falls under the larger Administration of Social, Human Resource and Income Maintenance Programs category of government offices, partners, and services on's directory.

Their address is 1240 East 9th St in Cleveland, Ohio (44199). Directions, both mobile and traditional, are available below along with their phone number, reviews / citizen reports, website, and more.

Driving Directions
US Equal Employment Opportunty
1240 East 9th St
Cleveland, Ohio 44199
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Phone Number: 216-522-2001
Type: Public Administration
US Equal Employment Opportunty Location
US Equal Employment Opportunty Location

Cleveland US Equal Employment Opportunty Reviews

US Equal Employment Opportunty Reviews and Ratings
Average Rating

0 out of 5 stars from 0 reviews.

Average Customer Star Rating
20704000-US Equal Employment Opportunty


We do not have any current ratings or reviews for this Equal Employment Opportunity Office, Government listing. If you are familiar with their services or have an experience you'd like to share, please consider filling out the form above.

Local Government in Cleveland
The following Cleveland government locations are also available to review:
Cuyahoga County
2421 Cmnty College Avenue
Cleveland Metroparks
4600 Valley Parkway
Cuyahoga Hts Swimming Pool
4863 East 71st St
Cuyahoga Cnty Sanitary Inspctn
6100 West Canal Road
Us Post Office
1568 South Green Road
Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court
9300 Quincy Avenue
Cleveland Police Department
3481 Fulton Road
Employment Standards Administration
1240 East 9th St Room 851
Cuyahoga County Treasurer
1219 Ontario St
Councilman Matt Zone
6501 Detroit Avenue
Fire Investigations
1645 Superior Avenue East