Huntsville Highway Patrol

Highway Patrol is listed under the Regulation, Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors locations category which falls under the larger Regulation, Licensing, and Inspection of Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors category of government offices, partners, and services on's directory.

Their address is 501 Interstate 45 South in Huntsville, Texas (77340). Directions, both mobile and traditional, are available below along with their phone number, reviews / citizen reports, and more.

Driving Directions
Highway Patrol
501 Interstate 45 South
Huntsville, Texas 77340
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Phone Number: 936-295-1576
Type: Public Administration
Highway Patrol Location
Highway Patrol Location

Huntsville Highway Patrol Reviews

Highway Patrol Reviews and Ratings
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26787789-Highway Patrol


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Local Government in Huntsville
The following Huntsville government locations are also available to review:
Us Consolidated Farm Service Agcy
1600 Financial Plaza # 745
Solid Waste Collection
590 Interstate 45 North
Animal Control
1220 11th St
Crabbs Prairie Volunteer Fire
28 Fm 1696 Road West
City Of Huntsville
1203 University Avenue
City Of Huntsville
1212 Avenue M
Highway Patrol
523 State Highway 75 North
Walker County Constable
717 Fm 2821 Road West
San Houston State Univ Police
2424 Sam Houston Avenue
Honorable Donald L Kraemer
1100 University Avenue # 202