Milwaukee Crossing Guards

Milwaukee Crossing Guards is listed under the Government Offices City Village and Township locations category which falls under the larger Legislative Bodies category of government offices, partners, and services on's directory.

Their address is 951 North James Lovell St in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (53233). Directions, both mobile and traditional, are available below along with their phone number, reviews / citizen reports, and more.

Driving Directions
Milwaukee Crossing Guards
951 North James Lovell St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233
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Phone Number: 414-935-7990
Type: Public Administration
Milwaukee Crossing Guards Location
Milwaukee Crossing Guards Location

Milwaukee Crossing Guards Reviews

Milwaukee Crossing Guards Reviews and Ratings
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29114860-Milwaukee Crossing Guards


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Local Government in Milwaukee
The following Milwaukee government locations are also available to review:
Milwaukee County Wisconsin
9501 West Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee Cnty Labor Relation
901 North 9th St # 210
Fox Point Electrical Inspect
7200 North Santa Monica Boulevard
Glendale City Administration
5909 North Milwaukee River Parkway
Honorable Terence T Evans
517 East Wisconsin Avenue Room 721
West Allis Housing Department
7525 West Greenfield Avenue
Milwaukee County Veterans Service
5000 West National Avenue # 4
7th Circuit Court
517 East Wisconsin Avenue
Veterans Health Administration
7910 North 76th St
City Of Milwaukee
2525 North Sherman Boulevard
Shorewood Village Municipal Ct
3936 North Murray Avenue